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How do I open it


You can't, it is content that is in development.

What route is this?

Is there a way to buy the upgradeable version (like the steam one), if the game is region blocked in your country (not because it's illegal, but because steam is too lazy to develop a good age verification)?

Our Patreon campaign gives early access for $5 monthly

 How do I put commands in the third Crisis and how do I unlock the secret achievements?

Here's the console guide, I'm guessing that's what you mean?

Which secret achievements?

Where do I find Rida in the resistance camp after letting Jewel shine? 

(1 edit)

This is a very good game, but I want to know if the game character error and the loss of dialogue options caused by the machine translation language are uncorrected bugs? Just like the bed in hub

Are there any animated scenes?

yeah like 50

what days do the updates come out?

as far as I know, its monthly

(progress related to patreon supports)

In the Android version I encountered a problem with the drink "sweet with cherry".

You need to switch the language to English (there is a bug in the machine translation language), and click on the book at the bottom of the screen to find the right drink,the book can turn left or right,you can see different beverage formulations . you should find some drink with the style sweet,and add drinks according to the recipe in the book, and click cherry to make it disappear to put it on drinks, and finally click the cup to mix drinks.

I am trying to use Limbeffect commands. When I try running them I either get a message saying it doesn't exist or its not found. I even tried the example command and it doesn't run. Can you give me an example or tell me how the command is supposed to be entered?

How do I see the update notes?

(1 edit)

Hey so I'm trying to get to the peitho base and I'm like all drugged in the townhall basement. I already got the collar and went to sleep but after I wake up I have no idea what to do. Interacted with the button, jacket, mirror, walked around the whole room multiple times but I can't do anything.

You need to talk to the red warning light on the wall, and then sleep according to the prompts. After a series of training, you will be sent to the enemy's training base. When the task of the training base goes to training slaves, this branch line will enter the unfinished part of the developer.

It doesn't do anything. I can't got to sleep nothing

There's a red signal on the wall and you have to get close enough and keep talking

Nothing is happening. I been waiting and pressing the damned thing but nothing happens.

no export

i cant save my game i wanna update it but i cant export and import it i tried the guide but its old

Where are the save files kept?

anybody help? this happens when i open missions (spanish translation) windows

how to unlock third crisis all gallery scene without playing game


enable skip mode in settings and then you have an unlock button in the gallery

i have a problem with windows version (spanish translation), when i open missions (misiones) the game crashes. i hope you can help me.

the game is awesome congrats to de team. 

I finished the game and now I want to just mess around by increasing stats. How do I input them in console

if you type "help" you get all the available commands. Here's our guide:


What should I do ? thx

Well i gota ask this since i chose the option to become town slave/whore idk... i had to go with Peitho right so now im kind Peitho but on the quest "New Strenght" im sutck with the title "Shape Leila into a Peitho Dump" did i glitch out or its just not released yet here?

not released yet here

Deleted 2 years ago

I think you lack the running environment of the Unity game.try to google it.

For some reason whenever I use keyboard controls for anything or I hover over an interactive element with my mouse the game drops down to like 16 fps and my mouse starts flickering, and then as soon as I move the mouse again to a different spot the game goes back to normal again. It's really annoying because playing with only mouse is just not fun.

Weird.. I've never heard of that issue before, which seems to suggest it's cause on your system specifically. Are you playing on downloaded Windows version?

Yeah, I just downloaded like I normally would and started playing. It never happened before when I played earlier versions, either, so I wouldn't think it was a local problem


(I'm using google translate) after talking to karen in jail, the game no longer tells me where to go and I already checked everywhere and I don't know where to go

I think thats basically the end of the game. I download, finish and delete third crisis every 3 or 4 months to see the changes and now (around a year) the game always end at that point. Most of the changes are usually on characters and gameplay. I believe its better this way, I've played many games of this type and most of those games end either too suddenly (while it has potential to go more) or in a way that leaves nothing for the player do after it. Hopefully it wont be like that for third crisis it has hella potential on both story and... horny stuff


Thank you very much and I also hope that the game will be updated soon and we can find and enjoy many more things

Ícono de validado por la comunidad

ask, when i go to see floria and karen in jail and finish talking to them, what should i do after?

I nerd help with Bar mision. (Ice-Strong-Swet)

How do you import the save files when using the itch desktop app

i updated the game cuz i got the old version sooo yeah... the gallery are all locked it used like its all got unlock and everytime i do something ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) the game plz fix the game its quite buggy i cant play the game  

I'm kind of curious too, im sort of new on how "updating" a game works. If already have the previous version, how would we update it / do we have to download everything over again?


You download the entire new version. The save files are stored elsewhere on your system, so you can just open the new version you downloaded and continue playing. I don't know why asianweeb had that issue, your system must have deleted the save file. If you're on android, make sure that you do not delete the app before downloading the new one.

Thank You! I play on PC, I’m assuming it’s now safe to delete then old version then - And continue in the new download

Try using the desktop app. Maybe that will help.


Im having some issues with the fps, goes down to like 20 is anyone else having this issue?

How to change the money

Open the console (

Then type
money.add 1000

Modified amount

what should i do after defeat wildfire

Is it possible to go back to Carceburg later in the game, or is it locked after wildfire?

in the next update in andriod do u need to start again in the start or u can continue 

and there is a bug in the bar the bathroom scene making the character to stretch 

i like the game to

(1 edit)

Hello, I can not pass the shape leila mission into a peitho dump. Please help me. Everything I do, this step will not be done part peitho traning base help me please i love this game but i can't complete 

That part is unfinished as of yet. You can load a previous save file to get back to the main content.


Please give me the link of the saved file You do not know when that part will be completed ???

The game autosaves, you already have that savefile. No I don't know.

Ok tanks

Is there some extra trick to spreading holiday cheer in the slums?

I've beaten every encounter available in there except the guy with the quest marker, but he still gives the same responses as before I picked all those fights (including not accepting me trying to pick a fight with him), and I'm wanting to move on in the main story, but don't want to push too much further before finishing the holiday quest, since I think there was something about locking me out of finishing it if I do get past a certain point in the main story?

buy a punk outfit in gear shop 

Just tried it with that outfit equipped, but still get the same stonewalling dialogue; is there more to it that I'm missing?

did u give throb a hat he and where the punk set then talk at night


Do you happen to use the skip mode? There's a bug where the combat encounters don't count with skip mode.

really likin the game so far but does anyone know how to increase jenna’s physical power?? I know it works for perversion but i can’t do it for the other stats :// 

Quick question, does my perversion have to be at a certain point to do the drunk comedy

I don't think so, get dipsy and stand somewhere just above the stairs to the stage in the bar and there will be a prompt. It's a little tricky to find, but I did it when my perversion wasn't much higher than 100

drink alcohol then stand on the stage

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