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(1 edit)

Hello, im new here and im having issues downloading the game. I am attempting to download the android apk but randomly at around 90 mb it would fail on my phone, i also tried downloading the apk on my macbook so I could transfer it from there (i was using chrome on both devices) and it would fail there again with the message saying "forbidden" which to my knowledge means I don't have access to download the file. Thanks I hope I can get the answer but sadly I will most likely not be able to answer until 24hours from now due to reasons

Deleted 2 years ago

Hello!  the game apk is closing alone at various times, even when trying to open the game

what are the numbers for the left keypad

Its a simple puzzle that messed with me too, i was overthinking it.

Basically, the X from left to the right will represent 1,2,3, and 4. Based on the colors on the keypad input the numbers represented by each colored X

You could remove or change the position where the "good", "excellent" messages appear in the dance. It gets in the way a little to see when it's time to hit the button. Yet this was a very good update

Hey, Patron here. I might be dumb, but there is no green light appearing in the fix the lights mission, and I believe i've interacted with every wall.

Hello, I can not open this game, I can download it and install it on the phone, but when I open the game, it gives the first screen and it does not open for a long time. What is the problem?

Heya, what phone do you have?

Samsung galaxy A2 core

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit)

Well i gota ask this since i chose the option to become town slave/whore idk... i had to go with Peitho right so now im kind Peitho but on the quest "New Strenght" im sutck with the title "Shape Leila into a Peitho Dump" did i glitch out or its just not released yet here?


As the options in the Leila menu say, it's in development. If you'd like to explore other paths, just load the last autosave before starting the Peitho questline. :)

Will the game be translated into polish? 

No, there are no plans for that as of yet.

If you plan on adding polish and chinese translations I can help you with both. I'm native polish and chinese speaker.


Hey, it would be nice to have ja newletter or something, where we can get informed about the new update, so we don't have to check manually if the new version is online or not. Love the Game, also bought it on Steam ^^

The steam version will be automatically updated! If you'd like to stay up to date, we publish weekly development reports on our Patreon! :)

Is it normal the version on steam is a free demo? I thought it was one of those early acces titles.

The version on Steam has more content than the free version.

Deleted 87 days ago

Heya, this guide should tell you all you need to know:

(3 edits)

When is the next update?


It will be release some time this month.



This is really impressive work ! Keep up !

Thank you very much!! 

Just  a quick question since you have a steam and patreon version will the full version of this be released or at some point will we have to purchase it for the rest of the story?

You will have to buy the full version, we will stop updating the free version before the game is finished.

any plans for a mac release?


im sorry, but we will not have a mac release before the final release. You can just play the browser version on mac though.

is there any plans for the orgy house?

Mabye add pregnancy option??

(1 edit)

Hi, first of all I am an idiot and I accidentally set MOUSE0 as button for toogle character sprite. The point is, I am unable to access controls menu anymore.
Maybe add key to reset to defaults?
Anyway good job... I did not play a lot yet, but the game seems great :D

Edit: I managed to delete Settings file so I am good

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

What do I do after I find Floria and WF in the jail? Not sure where to go or what to do

Heya, try checking your quest log in the Tab menu! :)

Hi I was wondering if you guys are planning on adding some new music to the game or perhaps variations of the current ones. The Peitho route needs some kind of music or ambient sounds as it only plays the last area's soundtrack e.g townhall or the main menu

Keep up the amazing work! This is easily one of the best NSFW games out there

Oh, yeah, lol, we should do that. 

Thanks for bringing that up ♥

idk who to ask but i really like the main menu song and i looked around and couldnt find it....whats the main menu song and band/producer?

when do you think third crisis would be entirely finished? wanting to know because this game is amazing and wanting to see the end product would be amazing as i follow this game close to the beginning of it's launch.

Heya, I'm not sure if we'll finish it this year, it's becoming less and less likely. But I'd assume we can do it next year.

On the third dayshift at the bar the game stops. I've played twice and both times this has happened.  Am I doing something wrong?   (I'm on chromebook btw, so I'm on the web version)

i am playing the V 0.23.0 but the dance mission is not available. am i missing something? I've finished the story mode too. 

So, I was forced to use console commands, how could I have done it without them? I was doing a purity run, and then I got to the part where you can choose to sleep with Karen, but I had perversion so I couldn't do anything about it, the VR portion forced perversion on me, and there's no way of reducing it, so how can you deal with that, considering the VR portion I'm 100% sure is a mandatory part, and it is also mandatory I'm pretty sure to do the tentacle part which gives you perversion, so, what am I missing here?

Could this maybe be a free version problem? No idea what I could've done differently other than use console commands


You can skip the tentacle part. There is a 2nd interaction in the room that circumvents it.


i am stuck on pheitos route with the quest to "shape leila into a pheito dump" what i have to do?

This route is in the middle of development. To get to the rest of the game, load the last autosave before entering the Peitho route.

is this still the case 2 years later?


how does my saved data work on other updates? i have 0.21  of the game so where could I go to keep my saved data and continue it?

The load game menu has export buttons for your save games. These will work in all future TC versions. For more information, have a read on this post:

is there a difference between the free and paid version? and if yes what's the difference?


The free version is missing 2 versions worth of content. This post explains this in more detail:

i seem to get hung up on the jewel help when she does the erotic twirl thing. it just kinda soft locks. i move and cant end turn o.o do the lust heal it locks as well

I'm still stuck in the carcen tunnels, when you have to fix the light while remaining still when the scanner warn me no to move.

How I fix a light when the mouse cursor change in a big hand ?

If the abandoned house is the same as old grumpy coffee mans house, I cannot enter abandoned house at curfew because it is locked.  I cannot get explosives. Please help.

Try following your other open quests

So, when I install the game in the latest version, my Windows Defender beeped, do I need to worry?

Heya, can you send a screenshot of this? I just checked our exe with virustotal and there was nothing found:

Deleted 4 years ago

Ooooh, okay. That's probably just the generic warning you get when opening executable files from the internet.

ahh ok, thanks for the help / information sorry for that too

No worries, glad we could clear this up! :)


Can i complete the bar dance story line if i have already progressed until the end of the version story line or do i have to start over to unlock the scenes?

I love the speed modifier because if you turn on 'always sprint' and turn the speed up to 300%, Jenna bounces around like she's Sonic.

Hey, I don’t know if this has been mentioned yet or not, but when I try to play the “Third Crisis” games through a browser or after I download the game and start to play, I get notifications that the program has Malware in the coding. Something called, “BlazeRewards” or something. I don’t know if this is a common issue, but I thought I should let you know.

Whenever I try to download the 23.0 update it tells me that I don't have the app installed(I have an Android). Does anybody else have this problem or is my phone just being shitty?

You have to delete the previous version for some reason on android. Make sure to backup your savefiles first.

I have an android too but It worked fine for me 

Oh, wow, thanks so much for saying that. I was convinced that everyone had this issue. Huh. So it's somehow device specific?

Maybe some device can do some work better than other devices, so some android can update it just fine, but not for the other

I have no problem updating btw

what is the use of the punk outfit?

To look like a punk c:

most of the scene you cannot change outfit, so means a waste of money then?

If you wanna call fashion and combat stats a waste of money, yes, then outfits are a waste of money.

I think their point is, outfits should carry over to scenes

Heya :-).

Thank you for your game.

I'm a bit stuck in the carsen tunnels, when yoy must switch the lights on.
I stop to move each time the scanner say to remain still.
But I don't understand how to switch the light.
Sometime, the mouse cursor become a big hand. Then I click or press the E key, but nothing happen.
I manage to switch 2 lights, but I haven't understand how I did it...

Any clue ?

i was on the escape the hub mission and trying to kill everyone but then when i was in the arena area fight i glitched out of the room and soft locked the game i didn't try just for some reason both throb and Jenna walked through the wall into the smallest tent room and jewel cant walk anywhere but between the two bottom pillars so i cant win i ended up having to go back to an old save might be because im on a wide screen 

(1 edit)

Hi, my name is T4 and I need help, I loved the game but I'm not able to play more powders whenever I stay in the city for a while, I don't remember the name but it's the bar, the game cracks a lot and for some reason the pc heats up a lot, I need tips to stop it without spending post I'm out of money at the moment, thanks and please help me :(

if something is wrong it is because i am on google translator, lol.

edit: there are times when the pc dies and I have to restart the post it gets so hot that it turns off :(

and this is only happening in the city.

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