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how do I shape leila into a peitho dump 

When i go to the gallery and click characters, the screen gets stuck, is there a way to fix this?

What to do at the beginning????

I have the patreon version of the game. I see that you've added shower scenes but I don't know how to activate them. I got the updated one with just jenna takin a shower, but if there were anymore, I don't know how to go about obtaining them. Unless I was misunderstood and they aren't in yet. How would I go about advancing that? thank you! love the game

Heya, the shower scene was just updated.


How to get bandana

Where is  Skeleton bone in Hallowen Event ?

in carcenburg . there's a boneman who'll just give you the item. he's a little hidde

how does he give you the items ?

how do i get back to Carceburg now

Will it be possible to get the full game without Steam?


It is available via our patreon.

is there any way to transfer a save on mobile, I just got the game on my new phone and i dont really feel like losing all of my progress.

In the new update it added new summer pin ups that say they are found in the storeroom but I have yet to find the fragments for these pin ups. It this a bug or is that content not out on the steam version of the game?


This is one of my favorite smutty games on itch. When it's complete, I'll definitely buy it. I really hope that more costumes get implemented, at least a few for the teammates, but I'd like more variety for visible accessories/mixing and matching, etc. For example, it saddens me a bit that the cheerleader pasties aren't visible with an open-top vibrosuit. Personally, I think Fashion Crisis would turn an 8.5 ero-game into a 9, so this criticism isn't the most important. @Anduo, if I pledge on Patreon, could I get an idea or two for outfits into the game? I'm not a great digital artist, but I could at least get across what I'm envisioning.

this is by far one of the best porn games I've ever played. It's been my go to since Peach's Unknown Tale from IvanAedler hasn't been updated in like 20 years

I agree, I do wish there was more customization with the team. The story and writing and everything has so much effort and it's genuinely pretty damn good! Jewel gets a lot of sidequest action and backstory. We have backstory on throb, but we've yet to meet his little brother. probably in a future update, we ARE busy fighting peitho 

Can't find the GAG Whiskey in the storage room.


It's in this location: 

Thanks bro


Can't start the Game in Xiaomi Redmi Note 8...


The game looks fun but it completely soft locks every fight after getting to the town at the start of the game, whenever you beat someone in any fight the game wont end your turn and doesn't let you do anything. Aside from that what I've been able to play so far has been really good.

Can you upload a save where this is reproducable?

Here's a link to the save file I hope it helps

Thank you very much! I will look into it. For now you can skip combat using the console command


(1 edit)

I have the same issue blocking progress during Throb's patrol and Combat.Win does nothing when used in the locked state.

For me it locks up every single combat with Rats I've tried so far.

We just tested it and it does work for us as expected. Is there any additional info you can give us on how you made it break? :)

I don't know what happened I was just playing the game normally I didn't do anything I can think of that would cause that to happen. Ill try redownloading the game to see if that fixes it

Love the game, great story and great smut scenes, the one thing i hope is that you add more content to the vr building, because after the vr quest it's just a dead area, maybe you could add some sort of simulations to the vr where you can choose enemies to fight (or fuck). 

Either way, great game, can't wait to see what's in store for the next update

Game freezes whenever I Exit to Desktop; have to manually terminate it.


It just takes a while. We'll fix it when we don't have other things with more priority.

(1 edit)

I'm sorry I keep sending comments but I found a bug. After having sex with Jewel when she's teaching about the lumber rats Jenna's sprite disappeared and I couldn't move or interact with the pause button. I had to reload the page and the game and then it was fine agin, so it wasn't too bad, just annoying. Thanks for your consideration!

Hi, new player. I can't figure out how to end the second Peitho BJ.

(1 edit)

Also how do I find Jewel the second time? I've tried to find her doing another dance but I can't. I'd also like to know how I join in on the dancing if you would be so kind. Thanks anyway for making this game and continuing to update it, this game really makes my day, and not just for the porn reasons. I think the characters are really well built and the dialogue is pretty good too, but the art is my favourite, it's really good. So far the story is an interesting concept too, and I am invested enough to keep playing and see how it turns out. 

You probably won't do this because it's a lot of extra work, but in the gallery is shows Jenna and Jewel in the peitho route, and I think it'd be really cool to be able to bring her with you. This could already be a feature due to the gallery picture, but y'know.

(1 edit)

Every time I finish the fight after you first enter VR, after the Victory screen, the game doesn't exit combat. I can't move or act. All I can interact with is my phone and the main menu.
Version 0.25.0 Windows 64

Edit: I got past it by quitting out the game completely, reloading a save just before I entered VR and then putting mine and Jewel's clothes back on (we were both naked). I'm not sure which of these things fixed it but there ya go.

finished the current story so far, epic game broske

Is the Peitho route a dead end


until now yes, i hope there will be more with peitho!!

(1 edit)

Hey there, i am currently stucked in the game because i failed to rescue karen after the boss fight on sublevel 2 due to high peversion. so i checked my questlog and it still says "investigate the forest" from the beginning :D is this a bug?? can i fix this somehow?

what/where would be the next main story part after the fight with karen ? THANKS in advance :)

edit: okay i just found out about the skip to content thing :D but still i would like to playthrough with my main savegame if possible

(1 edit)

I don't know if i'm just doing it wrong, but I can't find the fullscreen option that usually has and the one in the options isn't working. Using "F" to full screen isn't working either. Not having full screen makes it hard to use some of the *ahem* features in the game, so yeah.

The game is great I have tons of fun with it the concept is nice and entertaining

Well, i think with the view from the development blog i can see the differences between patron, public and steam version, but then again as long  as the main objective is on, i can definitly say that this game deserves to be on my radar; unlucky since i don't know how patreon works and i feel really doubtful of this site at least right now, so i guess my only way to help is buying the steam version.

I can see how the history can follow certain paths depending in your decisions and how you approuch them, and i'm interested in how the history is going to be in the final product.

I can see that there are many comments about some bugs that appered to be the same from certains people, but i can that in some cases, many people may be playing the game on some computers outside of the minumin requirements (including me)  but then ii have a positive mind that in the future the game will be work around some computers and have the chance to be smooth as posible.

Keep doing the good work and have a beautiful day for everyone on your team

While playing any game, I've never been able to ID with the main lead more than when I got my heart broken right alongside Jenna and COMPLETELY changed how I was playing the game. I had to put the game down for a few days before I got back to it, and my roommates walked in because I was bawling my eyes out. Again, I've never felt so strongly alongside the lead in any game or story I've ever experienced, I would give just about anything for a happy ending for these characters.

The writing and story are so incredible, I just can't wait for the next update, and I'm sure I'll say the exact same thing after it gets released lol. 

Also, much side note, the game's combat and puzzle sections are simple, but entertaining. I wish there was some sort of levelling or improvement system related to the combat, but I guess that's pretty much what the equipment improvements are for, and my assumption is that that sort of thing will continue through the game, so... *Shrug*

This is an easy 10/10 game for me. EASY 10/10 game. You're absolutely incredible, please don't stop being amazing lol.

Thanks so much for your comment! ♥


locks up on android from version 18 to 25.

Any fix incoming?

Hi, I am very satisfied with your game, but I was moved to a facility while I was talking to the town hall. I made money through oral sex and bought all the education and costumes of slaves. How can I get out of the facility?

The game autosaves for you before you are locked into that route. Just load that autosave.

Please fix the game in android. It's crushing during her patrol shift. Thank you.


The latest version on Android just freezes after the logos, no menu comes up just that background image. Hope you can fix that soon and I wish you luck on your amazing game!

Ye-Ye. I have the same problem, please solve this problem already!

We'll try and look into it. However, the dev in our team with an android device is on holidays atm.

Yes plz fix this I would love to try your game it looks good but I can cuz it just freezes plz plz fix 🙏🙏

hello I am a old fan of the game and I really like the art in 0.0.9 (I forgot the actual release) where the new art for the main character doesn’t exist

And I am curious where the art go and how can we see that again

We parted ways with the artist of the old art. That's why the art changed. The old versions still remain with the new art, but we are almost done replacing the old art with new art. I think only the ass grope scene remains at this point.
Here's the archive for older public builds. 

Man I really really deeply like the art during the drunk Easter egg (really really nice art too bad is gone now)

Good afternoon, I admire your game, one of the best in its genre, I remember how I downloaded version 0.18 and passed it in one day in one go on android. A couple of months later, I remembered this wonderful game, downloaded version 0.25 and it just hangs after your AnduoGames log, which I just didn't try and compressed textures, optimized shaders through GLTools, but it's useless, in load screen 60+ fps, but the game is simple throws out .. I downloaded an old version from your patreon where there was still an old main menu and there the game feels good and works. I don't know what to do, I really want to play the new version, I don't have a computer at hand .. Maybe you can help somehow .. I don't know, try to insert the old game menu, please. (Android 5.1.1 GPU Snapdragon 210 CPU 4x1.2GHz)

just finished all the new content. Great addition.! Will be waiting for more!

How do I use her dash ability. I can't get it to work. 

You click on dash and then where you wanna dash. What isn't working?

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

Heya, there won't be a mac port before we leave early access. But you can just play the web version! :)


So we can expect one after early access ends?

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