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When I extract the files, it goes from around 700MB to upwards of 3GB

Am I extracting it wrong?

Pls ??

Que ocurre? :)

(1 edit)

Playing the GoG version. Everything seems fine, but the screen is definitely being cutoff at the bottom, even though I'm setting the correct resolution for my screen. Nothing I change it to will fix it.

Especially noticeable during combat where text for the combat options is cut in half.

Falta multi idioma que doblen el español y otro idioma,xd no me entero de nada porque está en inglés la versión android no se puede doblar con unitytralador


Doesn't work on Android idk 😐


Is there a possibility to purchase the full game on itchio as well? Because I can't buy this game on Steam since it's not avaible in my country


Not yet but we're planning to add it.


Yo, so i finished the game till the tower elevator part, and just want to know when the final boss fight will be available, coz this game is simply amazing and was hooked on it for days, great designs, great graphics, and fantastic story, 10/10 game

(1 edit)

Android version doesn't fit right and gets cut off on both sides even with fullscreen disabled. Also, a HUGE ISSUE with combat that needs patching: if you load a save it remembers all movement, hp, and durability lost. For example, Jewel died in the VR fight because the character moved to a place I did not tell hetoo (also a common issue, usually 1-2 blocks from where is shown). I reloaded and she had 0 HP and no ability to move or act at the start of the fght. So, I reloadee to the tentacle machine autosave. Jewel began nude since her outfit was torn upon death. Jenna's ability was on cooldown at the start of the fight from the last time I used it when Jewel died as well. I was able to recreate these issues 100% of the time.

Despite that, I am pretty far into the game and would have loved to purchase the full game to access all outfits and such. Shame there is no paid android version. :(


Can you play as male?


I hope there was a Korean version

Can I take a role as a translator?

Hey guys, im at the Town hall D1 i think its called, where you get the peitho collar, and i got the first 2 or so scenes and im stuck. i cant interact with anything and nothing is happening

Question how roughly complete is the final part of is the game and what would be a very rough date of release of the final part of the ending, nothing too exact just when we could expect it?

(1 edit) (+2)

i can't buy Third Crisis on steam because it isn't availeble in Germany :(




Would a vpn work


nope it dosn't 

vpn banned in germany bro

how many ending are there?


This game is a caress to the soul and another thing is very good the story is good I think I only need two endings if I had a PC and money I would surely buy it I loved it .


The android port doesn't work on galaxy s24

How to prepare a double buuze?

There's a recipe book in the same screen where the ingredients are. Browse the pages with A/D + E


is there a paid android version or is it just the free one


tengo un problema con la escena con jewel del evento  de pascua no se ve como se puede arreglar 



I am having a problem with the game that soft locks my progress when during the second flight with the taken the 3rd enemy does not make their move

Same, but after i leave the game it fixed

Will the main ending be available in free version?

(1 edit)


After discussing Commander Pyra with the researchers, I don't know how to proceed later,Unable to leave this map area


Where is the hidden plot behind?

I'm stuck in the dialogue plot in front of RESEARCHER now


the gallery scene view has hints on how to unlock every scene in the game.

Finished all the scenes of PEITHO TRAINING, and can't live without PEITHO ROUTE area

Deleted post

We are working on the final update

Deleted post

I'm on mobile and I can't equip a sub weapon for some reason

what is the difference between paid and free version?


paid version has more story content, more outfits and more side content

So, the guide doesn't make it clear and neither do other guides I'm seeing. How do you raise stat values in the console? I know it's "stat.addvalue stat_[statname], [value]" but when I type in a stat name it says that stat cannot be found. I've tried different variations like "PhysicalDefense", "physicaldefense", "physdefense", and so on, but it doesn't work. Can we get a list of what the stats are spelled out as in the console. So far I can only raise my hitpoints but not above 20?

I don't know the command off the top of my head but if you just wanna skip combat, using the skip mode is much simpler. Just enable it in the game settings and it'll give you a button to skip any combat.

It's not that I can't win the fights, I just like customization. If you find the commands, please let me know! :}

Do you guys have any cheat like tons of C and pervertion ? (Ik the skip)

Getting constant `RuntimeError: index out of bounds` errors that freeze the game on the web version.

For example:

RuntimeError: index out of bounds @blob: line 10 > WebAssembly.instantiate:wasm-function[115097]:0x275f9e7 @blob:

Apparently this game doesn't work on Android 14 devices.


Does not work on latest S24 Android 14

I would love to buy it on Steam, but Germany is region locked as far as it concerns games like this.


use a vpn create a gmail with the vpn in an unlocked country (with the same currency as your country in this case euro), make a steam account with that gmail using the vpn and buy the game from that steam account

Released on GoG recently, just noticed that when I saw this as a "related" game to something I was looking at, they may not region lock you like Steam does?

how do i leave occupied carceburg?

Does this got those futa on femboy stuff

Will there be more games like this? I really liked the style, the plot, the variety of choices and scenes. Just judging by the updates, the plot is slowly moving towards the end, so I want to know if there will be any more such game.


We are working on something new c:<

Oh yeah! Consider that I'm already waiting for it.

Thanks for fixing the browser version!!


It always force closed when the strong alcohol event start. Is the android version still not stable for 0.57.1 update? Because it was smooth sailing for the older one. 

(2 edits)

Where can I find the red Slim mission? 

I just finished talking to Karen in the prison

You will get a side quest to search for an abandoned mansion once you're in the house in the forest that houses the resistance, leaving south.

When you're in the bar Talking about Karen

Do I have to choose give up on her?

Or continue fighting for here?

If you give up on Karen, the main story ends there.


I used that as my spot to copy the save and switch from a pure run to really leaning in to the corruption aspect. The downside to this game is I wish there were more interesting things in a pure run, it gets kinda boring if you stay on track and keep fighting, all the fun is found on the way to bad ends.

How do you get the surprise stripped? + How to get the stripper job

I think surprise strip is part of the main quest. 

I'd recommend checking the scene gallery, it comes with hints on how to unlock every single scene! c:

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