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Hello hope y'all are doing well.  Today I'm currently having a an issue downloading the lastest patch. My phone keeps saying app not installed. When before I get to this point it tells me it will update the app without my save data being deleted. I'm currently stuck on patch 19  when I should be on 20 any help would be appreciated.

i would love some more tribbing scissoring action that would be wonderful

Hi, I'm currently on the Wildfire boss level and there seems to be a bug where when I try to do any actions, the action doesn't happen,I.E. I try to skip turn, the HUD highlights it but no action happens and the same for Move, no grid is shown.

Really enjoyed this game, went to update latest patch and it won't install. Any suggestions? More than enough space, Samsung S10+ phone, have tried rebooting and force stopping app. Nothings worked.

Heya, uninstalling the app first seems to help. Make sure to have a copy of your save file first though, because uninstalling the app will delete the save files.

Thanks for the advice and link! It seems to have worked. One of my favorite games in the category. Much appreciated. 

Glad to hear! ♥

 I finished the mission when we were at the Peitho Training Camp. We need to sleep before we can move on. I got a message that say "this is the only content you can play" what does that mean?

Well.. It means that that's all the content you can play in the current public version. There's more content in the $5 Patreon version.

Ok thank you

What should I do after defeating Floria? I cant proceed with the main storyline. Where to find the tunnel?

(Mobile) whenever i try to launch the game it just ends up crashing from the start I tried uninstalling and reinstalling it but the issue still continues. It's probably most likely due to my phone being an older model. 

Heya, I'm sorry to hear about that issue. Did a previous version work?

yeah the last couple of versions worked but it would crash every so often butother than that the game ran fine 

Can you tell me your exact phone model please? :)

if I remember correctly it's a Samsung Galaxy J3. i wouldn't be surprised if it's unable to play the game due to it being an older model and if that's the case then I completely understand. Also great game and I hope it succeeds more.

Hmm.. While that is only barely hitting the minimum requirements, it does hit them, the game should technically start. But I'm sorry, there's not much I can do since I have no idea what might be going wrong :(

i have been sent to get my suitcase from my room to reapir wildfire, i have gotten it but it now says i cant leave without my gear

what do i do now

Make sure you have the badge on.

When I get to the peithos stage  my whole Screen is black. The game dose work, because I’m able to interact with things I just can’t see anything. Same goes for stage two of the hub. 

Can you see the basement of the townhall?

No it’s all black. I can’t see my character or any items. The only things that I can see is the pause menu and my inventory. 

What device are you playing on?

I’m using a mac

There's a Mac version??

Could you try running the game on another website? Newgrounds for example. See if you get the same issue there. You can export your save from here and import it on newgrounds.

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i have a problem where when i start the first battle in Sub Level 2, i immediately lose the battle. I restart the game but to no avail. Pls send help 


I've seen another bug report mentioning, that when jenna dies in a battle, the next battle is immediately lost. Could that be your issue aswell?

Well if u still haven't figured it out had same thing as well you just have to pick one of the beds sleep/have fun to refill your HP cuz u start fighting at 0 and lose the exact moment you have picked a fight. 

(5 edits) (-1)

is there a way to lower perversion?  Aaaand will more info/details on what happened to characters like Karen and Floria during the 5 year gap Jenna was absent be revealed later on?

its a nsfw game, i would like to know too thoug

yeah i understand that its a adult game. However later on in the game there are choices that require 0 perversion. And because you get 10 perversion in the beginning of the game i want to know if they can be removed

Update: I looked at thier discord and perversion cant be removed

You don't need to get 10 perversion at the start of the game. If you take all the clothes and get the advanced ending of the bossfight, you'll be at 0 perversion.

is this normal and how can i change it?

do I do something wrong?


You probably need to be wearing all your clothes including the badge before you can leave your room.

so I can only play with the armor at night

but for making evets i still want to do it must be day

or i have to be there without armor

For both I have to leave my room somehow without armor ...

But the game doesn't make me leave my room anymore, whether it's day or night

whoever I try it always says I can't leave without my armor

help i have falsified something i can no longer leave my room without the armor and i can no longer get rid of it no matter what i do


I have the update from 71 days ago and after I download the latest version and try to install it an error occurs and it says app not found. (Android version)

You'll want to backup your save files and then uninstall the previous version of the game before installing the new one.

Thanks m8. o/

Well, I'm playing with the last update (public version) but I'm stuck at one quest. "A Commanding Presence" in the quest I have done all the tasks, only the one thing is missed and that's the equipment, well normally Klaus gave the weapons, but I can't get them, do you know how to get them in any way? Or is this an error and starting a New game can fix it???

Equipment is from a guard in the motel that is supposed to talk to you. After talking to him, you're supposed to do patrols with him.

Je suis un joueur francophone et j'adore votre jeu, je l'ai fini quelques fois et le refais a chaque mise a jour, je l'ai également mis dans ma liste de souhait steam. j’espère que  vous aller continuer car l'histoire est vraiment sympa, le gameplay est simple mais super fun et les graphismes sont très joli lors des scènes. j'ai hâte d'y jouer sur une version finie et 100% stable.

question; serait il envisageable de faire une version FR plus tard, bien que je comprenne l'anglais,une version française serait vraiment parfaite pour l’immersion.  

Heya, I had to google translate your response because I don't speak a word french, so I hope it was translated accurate enough.

Thanks for your kind words! We're not working on a translation at the moment, as constant changes to the game would add too much overhead to a translation, sorry. We might be looking into that, once the game is completed :)

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is anyone having the issue where scenes and art is missing sometimes cause i tried doing the townhall job offer and it doesn't show jenna when in stall but still plays the scene and sometimes her left side art image is gone

If you're playing on android, this issue should be gone with the new patch.

ok but what about pc cause thats what I been playing on would it be the same issue or a different one cause i played an older version before on pc and the images were there

we put out a patch yesterday that fixes that too. 0.20.2


oh really nice thanks for the info really appreciate it and keep up the great work I really love the game:)

Right now I'm in the middle of "A commanding presence" quest. But I forgot how to get the equipment. I already talked to the guard but I could use the next steps on getting that equipment...

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So.. after many attempts to start the app on mobile (android), it crashes on me for no apparent reason. I've tried reinstalling but it doesn't work & I've checked if maybe the files were compressed but it doesn't seem like it or I couldn't find them. No idea what to do.

Edit: the game loads up, takes a couple of mins, the loading symbol in the bottom right appears for a couple of seconds then crashes.

Heya, what phone do you try to play it on?

(1 edit)

uhhh, autosave doesnt work at all lol (i am using web gel version). i just lost many hours of progress.  thank god theres a cheat menu to skip to certain sections of the game.

- Did you check the checkbox in the load menu to show autosaves?
- Are you playing in incognito mode? (The point of which being not to let websites save stuff)

oh, its off by default? and no, im not in incognito

Yeah, it's off by default. :)

In the most recent three updates, game crashes have become a huge problem. Used to happen once or twice, then started happening about 40% of the times i would enter carceburg, and now wont even start the game. Not limited to a single device either. Im on android. Are there any crash fixes available?

Huge fan and have been loving this game for a while.

So far, after many restarts and attempts and uninstalls\reinstalls, I can't play at all

Heya, can you check these files for any errors?

Feel free to send them to us via out discord.

heya! I can't seem to find a way into the games files that have the same folders and such--android is weird I guess. This is what I've got. It annoyingly has the files compressed, but I don't know how to uncompress them to get the access needed above.

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I think you are in the wrong folder. Are you sure you followed the path exactly?

Edit: Ah, you're on android...... Yeah it's in a different path on android compared to windows of course. Try here:

Can't figure out how to access the files because I'm an idiot, but a recent re download said that "the package was corrupted" I tried again, and got the same error. Hope this helps! I see someone above is having similar Android issues.

any tips on how to do the thing were the character gliches out or something in the blue hall im stuck at that part

Walk right


... i didnt notice you could walk there but thanks

The deepthroat scene is missing both the head of Jen and what I assume is the guy.

You're in the comment section of the public version of Third Crisis, which is a month behind the Patreon version. Check out this post to get access to the new version:

Hey! Excited to check this game out, as from the feedback i have seen you did a great job. Any tips before starting the game? And should i start the game on this version or wait for a nearby update?

Heya, the new update will only add content at the current extend of the story, so the first hours of gameplay are untouched in it.

Hi! Can you give us date when part 0.21.0 is released? PLEASE?

yup, its out. 

I really liked the game, I have already completed it 3 times, the art, the gameplay and the story are very good. Please do not give up on this project (if possible, try to put it on steam :)) Good luck !!!!

Aww, thank you!! Our steam page is already up for wishlisting!

Where do you find the Equipment to fight the guard? I have the alcohol but Equipment can't be bought from the store and I've checked every other place.


You need to go into the motel and a guard will try to talk to you.

thx, I'll give that a try tonight. Been stuck trying to do this for a while.

Hi is it just me or this is a bug for everyone? So I started the third patrol with Throb and have to fight against a few people and everytime it bugs which I can not select the next step when I defeated a guy or two.  Also whats the best way and weapons to clean them all? Thanks!


Art is great, gameplay is good.But I wish it was easier to avoid hetero content,the town is hard to play through.

I'm playing the game and I'm really wanting to enjoy it because story and graphics wise it appeals to me a lot. However for a relatively small game it's a real memory hog (1.5 G as I'm writing) and extremely laggy and that is sapping my enjoyment of the the game. 

Also it would be nice to have a bit more choice (or even illusion of choice), like having the choice to have Jenna behave less like an idiot brat that neglects how precarious the situation she's in. JFC!


can someone send me a save file where you finish the game in the 0.18.2-0.19.0 update i faktory reseted my pc and forgot to save the save file and i dont really wanna do every thing again and i dont wanne do the subtwo all over again to.

How can I do 'sleep with karen'?

I don't know how to fill 'Pure' thing. :/


Perversion must be 0

WOW ok

 Thanks a lot !

Hi I recently switch from the html one to the patreon one but as i export my save to the patreon one all my collection of pinups has gone, how can i retrieve all of them since i cant collect them all again


Heya, you can use the console command gallery.unlockall

is that only for the patreon version



can you use console commands in itch and how do you use the console commands

(1 edit)

You literally replied to the answer of your question c:

You can read exactly that here

And yeah you can use the console in itch. Enable it in the menu and open it with f2. Is there anything unclear in the link?

Can anybody help me with quest Rekindling fire. Where I can talk with HQ ? I just can't find him :/

He's in the tent at the top left of the Fiend Hub!

Thanks a lot !

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