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Hope you guys put lewd status system on main character,it will be nice :)

can we have gallerary for all enemies at least? like peitho soldiers (we got throb so would be that hard by just changing colors and some details) and all the grunts(none of them have a picture at least? weird)

(1 edit)

I've been playing this game for awhile now (I love this game to death btw, not saying that just because of the hentai either) and I've seen bugs here and there, all of them I believed were fixed... But now my game seems to crash and saving proves to be difficult sometimes. I've also played this game on a variety of different phones, so I don't think it's because of my current phone... At least I hope not

I downloaded the game onto android, how would I update my game?

Im on the peitho route and the only thing I can do is keep giving BJ's and can't even use my bed to progress further, is this a big or all that's currently added?

Any fix?

It's in development. If you want to get back to other content, load a save from before entering the peitho route. The game autosaves before it, make sure the autosave checkbox is checked.

just make him cum & its end.. damn before i though i will stuck at this scene forever xd

Mission "The Naked Eye" don´t switch to solved and is open so it disturbs when you look what missions are open and must be solved.

Ok I'm probably not th first to point this out and I won't be the last. I've counted at least 10 Marvel quotes in the dialog and I'm not even done with the game yet! I'm honestly just really happy you put those in there and at the perfect places as well. Like the quote from Thor: Ragnarok when you're in the simulation? Amazing placement. I've seen quite a few of these quotes and as a big Marvel fan I'd just like to say that you should keep them in the game and that what you're doing is awesome. Thank you for putting the quotes in, it really made me happy.

Glad you noticed them! I love referencing tons of stuff in TC, not just Marvel. ♥

- Vils

I had a really terrible bug when I started a fight after I beat the girl with the fire Iost everytime it wouldnt let me play the fight at all the screen was just running defeat over and over again any solution 

This bug is fixed for the next version. Healing the party should fix it for now.


Anyone know where to find the rope in The Fiendish Task quest?

It's in the Hidden Base, somewhat to left of The Lady.

I just wanted to know how the Peitho path is coming along.

absolutely great game by the way.


More content is on the way! :)

the game is full or is beta?


the game no full is development

Hey I think the web version might be broken. I have no trouble pulling the game up and such but I've tried maybe 40 times and not one time has it loaded past 90% on the starting screen. Could there be any reason why this is happening to me?

I either takes a bit longer than what you have been waiting for or hardware acceleration is disabled in your browser. You can download the game for windows, to play it outside of the browser.

and i think my game is kinda broken, after the first fight at horizon it just locks itself

Can you reproduce this bug or is it only happening once?

I had same glitch once, i just reloaded and it gone. Have no idea how to activate it now

(1 edit)

So today i opened th game and a i saw a message telling me to download the newer version, is there any way that i can put my save in the new version?

Heya, this should answer any questions regarding save files:

Where do I find Floria after beating the enemy's in sublevel 2

Rosas are Red doesn't seem to have any way to reach you.

How do I undo an action?

I got notified of a new message, but it was just a blank screen. After a while, I got impatient and tapped the screen wondering if it was frozen. A fraction of a second before my finger touched the screen, or as it touched the screen, everything appeared.

I'm going to clear out the data and the cache and start over, but I'm a bit miffed about that.

This is an amazing game. Currently playing it on Android.

Thanks! ♥

stuck on loading screen for me :/ anyone else??

What device are you playing on? Do you mean the web download screen? It might hang for a bit at 90%, because that's where the engine boots up. Also make sure in chrome hardware acceleration is not disabled if you're trying to play the web version.

o ok thanks

just to makesure were still stuck in the tunnel rite? after the Blackout and Radar mission from HQ? 

as step of peitho base ??????? pls.

can anyone help me to make drink

click on the book at the bottom


i open it but there no drink like he mention


You're looking for the Double Buuze. Then add ice and cherry.

Love the game 10/10, but I'm still sort of new, where do I find the abandoned house I need to go to for the bombs??

It's either the house in the bottom right of town (Just outside of town) 


you leave carceburg on the top right and follow the path.

thank you!

really like the game it great

Im encountering an issue on Android. The game just freezes past the Anduo Games screen and doesnt advance further. For reference here is my device: Lenovo Yoga Tab 3 Plus 


Heya, the game takes a while to boot up on some devices. Have you tried leaving it for a bit?

Hey, thanks the response, the game worked after waiting around a minute :) I do have a bug to report though, in the prologue where you lose all your clothes and have to pick them up again, after picking them all up the game prompts you to put on the suit, if you instead choose to remove your bra the game gets stuck after the "(Right...?)" text box, if you try and press back it crashes.

Thanks for the report, this bug is already fixed internally and the fix will be part of the next update in the coming days! :)

(1 edit)

Got the game on steam but it says that it s a free fersion in peitho base so i can not contuniue from there no further

It should say steam version, it's just a wording issue. The update this month will continue that story route.

Oh, okay thanks and btw great game.

Thanks! ♥

Dont know if its error fail, but its happened twice. Whenever I defeat Flo and it does the scene of her spawning her plants, an error occurs


After defeating Karen and Flo, and then talking to them in the prison what are you supposed to do next? I am a bit lost as to what I'm supposed to do.

Head into the pub in Carceburg, if I'm not mistaken.



So when i'm in the Carcen tunnels when the lights are out, i cant find the lights. Can you help?

hey, need help, (kind of spoiler alert) 

Have you found Karen? I just found her and I'm stuck on the part where she, Jenna,  hq and the plant girl are sleeping in the room, all the lights get cut off and I go out to fix them then game over...

Am I doing doing wrong?

Is there a walk through somewhere?

Watch your radar in the bottom right. If it lights fully up red and says stand still, you can't move until it goes away.

I've tried to do that but the tracker just keeps on lighting up again?


Ive been a fan of this game for a very long time, but in this update the he seems to crash ALOT, and now I'm at a point that it crashed when I try leaving the bar. I hope it's not because of my phone, but it might be. If not, I hope it gets fixed soon. Either way thought, amazing game.

I haven't experienced any crashes and I'm using the newest update.

I have a question for you though.. 

Have you found Karen? I just found her and I'm stuck on the part where she, Jenna,  hq and the plant girl are sleeping in the room, all the lights get cut off and I go out to fix them then game over...

Am I doing doing wrong? 


you're talking about the VR thing right? If I didn't say it in my other comment I don't have the best memory and it's been almost a year since I last played it... Unless you're talking about further into the story, if so, then you might not be able to go any further until they update the game. 

Is it possible to import my save data from the browser, over to my steam version ? if it is, how ?


Heya, yes it is, this guide shows you how to export from webgl and import into windows:

Deleted 4 years ago

does anyone know hoe to get into the cock rock room in the tunnel area cos i've been here for like an hour looking and im stuc

There are several cock shaped rocks around the cave system you can click on. You have to find them all. I don't remember how many off the top of my head

With the game being released on steam will the game stay free on or will it get the same price as steam?


how do you get out of the carcen tunnles?

I'm at the point where I've got to go clear sublevel two, but whenever I enter combat (either in the sublevel or the arena) the screen for "player's turn" shows up, goes away, then sort of half comes back and the game freezes and locks up?

I'm playing the most recent public version and was wondering if I'm hitting a bug or a pay-wall block: When in the Town Hall, any scene involving the booth only displays a blue ribbon instead of the sprites/animations. Is there a fix for this? I tried reloading the page, but no luck.


Everytime I go back to the hub to try and get to Sublevel 1/The Tunnels, I'm back in the main HQ area and I can only exit to the hidden house. For context my mission journal says to meet with that man in the hole in the wall. I have no idea how to get back to the tunnels to continue. 

Heya! The tunnels are located under the bed in the abandoned house to the east of Carceburg!

Deleted 1 year ago

Where do I find the guy in the wall?

For some Reason I cant take Klaus Badge can you help?

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