I saw one other comment about this, but it was never answered. So, basically any time I try to load the game it says that it has failed to create shader. This could very well be an issue on my side but I've never had this happen with any other unreal game so not sure.
So, from what I have gathered it has to do with the E_INVALIDARG error. I'm certain it isn't my hard drive thats the issue so I'm curious into whats actually causing it. I have also heard that it has happened to other game developers with Unreal 5. And before anyone asks, yes my drivers and specs are perfectly capable to run this game.
Also, the size of the game is over 5 gigabytes. which is understandable, considering it's a 3d game and all, but I'm just wondering if the gigabytage of the game will be decreased later on?
the new build has a lot more missing to it than the previous build had from what I seen. well at least some from the previous version seems to be missing. the text on the scrolls with the images you can find sometimes, along with the images themselves seeming pretty different, characters no longer reacting to you getting close to them, most obviously seen with that nun lady you can overhear in the main plaza, before if you got too close to her she would stop talking and play some different dialogue, but now I don't think she does that anymore. there's also some other parts that seem missing as well. but most important, is that I can't make more than 1 save in this new build. I am forced to load that 1st save file I made. I can't even overwrite it. seems like a problem.
- the scroll images are 1:1 the same - there's some tech issues that made the text on the scrolls more difficult than in unity. I wanna have them back, just haven't had the time yet. - The nun reacting to you getting close is implemented in unreal. She's to the right side of the market entrance.
About the save file issue, so if you click on the save button, instead of creating a new 2nd save file, it only shows that new one?
Just curious, the start doesn't really feel like a start, it feels like I missed the introduction. Is the intro game somewhere else? Is this just a demo? Will the intro be added later? Is this actually the start and we don't get an explanation of why that girl at the front gate is important or how the MC got stuck with the succubus?
Il me tarde tellement de découvrir l'univers de vos jeux... sont histoire sont gameplay, ces personnages.
J'aime la direction artistique, les textures sont agréables à l'œil, les modèles 3d sont magnifiques.
J'espère qu'il deviendra un mmorpg pour adulte avec des combats et des interactions spéciales avec différents pnj, de façon consenti ou non =).
Si possible un Donjon nous appartenant, ou une maison personnalisable, ou l'on pourrait asservir tranquillement nos esclaves, que l'on achètera au marcher.
Des dongeons de boss, pour avoir de l'équipement, du craft pour fabriquer des objets .
Ce ne sont la que des suppositions, car votre jeux de par sont aspect et sont environnement donne beaucoup d'idée. J'aime votre travail.
I suggest you make it a priority to update a full story line. Now it looks very shallow. Maybe I push a little bit and there's no follow-up, which leads to porn with a lot of foreplay. Of course, this is the game is currently in the early stage, which is not a very rich reason. It's been great. I hope you guys get better at it.
so this isn't a specific problem with this project, but rather something i've been seeing a LOT lately with newer games. your "default" framerate cap is set to unlimited and when i launch it the first time my graphics card starts spinning up straight to 100% to render the menu lol. again i've been seeing a LOT of new games doing this and i don't know why but maybe set the default to a nice sane 60 and people can just go from there lol.
... actually i wonder if this is a problem on my end, i wonder if there's some graphics card setting i've missed...
hey i keep getting lost can a map be provided ingame or a hint system but after going through the underground market are you supposed to interact with everything and then it unlocks another area cause i explored all areas i am aware of and other than the starting area and the underground one i found nothing is it supposed to be like that or is it a glitch
When i start the game i get stucked on ''press any button'' screen, nothing works even if i delete and reinstall or launch as administrator Any ideas to fix it?
not sure if this was talked about yet and if so sorry, due to the ooga booga bonfire that is currently unity whats the plans for games that where built upon unity? saw that in the recent game jam yall once again cooked up some good stuff but still just curious
We're considering our options. Unreal is definitely looking very juicy right now but remaking what we have so far in unreal would be a monumental task.
That mess mostly affects bigger companies and publishers that create and release the AAA titles, not indie devs. Wish Unity explained that clearly in the first place when they outlined the new license pricing terms!
You can try and reduce the resolution and other graphics settings, but I don't think that an integrated intel chip will be what our optimization target is for, sorry.
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I saw one other comment about this, but it was never answered. So, basically any time I try to load the game it says that it has failed to create shader. This could very well be an issue on my side but I've never had this happen with any other unreal game so not sure.
So, from what I have gathered it has to do with the E_INVALIDARG error. I'm certain it isn't my hard drive thats the issue so I'm curious into whats actually causing it. I have also heard that it has happened to other game developers with Unreal 5. And before anyone asks, yes my drivers and specs are perfectly capable to run this game.
Heya, can you try launching the game via the launch_vulkan.bat file that is in the same folder as the .exe?
Also, the size of the game is over 5 gigabytes. which is understandable, considering it's a 3d game and all, but I'm just wondering if the gigabytage of the game will be decreased later on?
Textures, models, animations and sounds do be big, 5gb already fairly optimized, it will probably go up.
fair enough. assumed as much
the new build has a lot more missing to it than the previous build had from what I seen. well at least some from the previous version seems to be missing. the text on the scrolls with the images you can find sometimes, along with the images themselves seeming pretty different, characters no longer reacting to you getting close to them, most obviously seen with that nun lady you can overhear in the main plaza, before if you got too close to her she would stop talking and play some different dialogue, but now I don't think she does that anymore. there's also some other parts that seem missing as well. but most important, is that I can't make more than 1 save in this new build. I am forced to load that 1st save file I made. I can't even overwrite it. seems like a problem.
it also has some neat new things, I bet, but there is a lot missing compared to the previous build that I am confused about.
It's work in progress gamedev do be like that
- the scroll images are 1:1 the same
- there's some tech issues that made the text on the scrolls more difficult than in unity. I wanna have them back, just haven't had the time yet.
- The nun reacting to you getting close is implemented in unreal. She's to the right side of the market entrance.
About the save file issue, so if you click on the save button, instead of creating a new 2nd save file, it only shows that new one?
I click on the "create new save button" but nothing seems to happen, and no other files are made, just my first save file.
has a lot of potential, im very lookin' forward to this one
♥ Thank you!
Oh This looks impressive, is there is a list of Kinks that are present in the Game?
Just curious, the start doesn't really feel like a start, it feels like I missed the introduction. Is the intro game somewhere else? Is this just a demo? Will the intro be added later? Is this actually the start and we don't get an explanation of why that girl at the front gate is important or how the MC got stuck with the succubus?
Anyways, enjoyed the game, thank you!
Much more will be added, including at the start of the game :)
good game
Hi the pause menu doesnt have an option to save game is this a bug or is saving still in the works?
no option for disable futa...disgusting!
I keep running into data error: Sharedassets1.assets.resS whenever i try and unzip the game
le falta optimizar
do i have to rebuy every time you update it? (if i only pay for one month)
wish there was option to turn off motion blur. not for me, and it's slowing down my game
also, am i the only one getting a white menu bar that makes it impossible to read the options? it's more readable in buildings for some reason.
Il me tarde tellement de découvrir l'univers de vos jeux... sont histoire sont gameplay, ces personnages.
J'aime la direction artistique, les textures sont agréables à l'œil, les modèles 3d sont magnifiques.
J'espère qu'il deviendra un mmorpg pour adulte avec des combats et des interactions spéciales avec différents pnj, de façon consenti ou non =).
Si possible un Donjon nous appartenant, ou une maison personnalisable, ou l'on pourrait asservir tranquillement nos esclaves, que l'on achètera au marcher.
Des dongeons de boss, pour avoir de l'équipement, du craft pour fabriquer des objets .
Ce ne sont la que des suppositions, car votre jeux de par sont aspect et sont environnement donne beaucoup d'idée. J'aime votre travail.
Sincères salutations.
The other problem is that it's so poorly optimized that even the 3070 tablet won't run smoothly
I suggest you make it a priority to update a full story line. Now it looks very shallow. Maybe I push a little bit and there's no follow-up, which leads to porn with a lot of foreplay. Of course, this is the game is currently in the early stage, which is not a very rich reason. It's been great. I hope you guys get better at it.
What are the requirements for this game so I know if it'll run on my pc.
Gtx 1060 with ryzen 3 or equivalent. That would be bare minimum though.
am i the only one that has the bug that the "mission text" overlaps itself with other "mission text"?
Is there anyway to play this on macbook? Also How do i go about getting the game if i were to get microsoft
There is no mac version, sorry. The windows download is on this page.
how to disable motion blur...
There is no motion blur enabled.
please add more such options in the future.
ajouterez vous dans de future mis a jour ?
Google Translate: will you add it in future updates?
bonjour, je me permet de vous ecrire afin d savvoir qu'elle genre de contenu ajoutera
Google translate: hello, I would like to write to you to know what kind of content will add
We will add similar content to Third Crisis.
Hope more fun stuff with Limar are added in soon. Lesbian femdoms are the best
so this isn't a specific problem with this project, but rather something i've been seeing a LOT lately with newer games. your "default" framerate cap is set to unlimited and when i launch it the first time my graphics card starts spinning up straight to 100% to render the menu lol.
again i've been seeing a LOT of new games doing this and i don't know why but maybe set the default to a nice sane 60 and people can just go from there lol.
... actually i wonder if this is a problem on my end, i wonder if there's some graphics card setting i've missed...
i fucking love you, my games been crashing and this tip fixed it
damn love slov coruption games on fem PC
This game is becoming better and better.
I love it
hey i keep getting lost can a map be provided ingame or a hint system but after going through the underground market are you supposed to interact with everything and then it unlocks another area cause i explored all areas i am aware of and other than the starting area and the underground one i found nothing is it supposed to be like that or is it a glitch
Damn now thats impressive!
When i start the game i get stucked on ''press any button'' screen, nothing works even if i delete and reinstall or launch as administrator
Any ideas to fix it?
heya, left mouse button doesnt work?
how can we unstock the character
Can i play this game with joiplay ?
This Game is too heavy to run on Mobile
no, sorry
Why not split it into chapters and add unreal later in chapter 2 or something
not sure if this was talked about yet and if so sorry, due to the ooga booga bonfire that is currently unity whats the plans for games that where built upon unity? saw that in the recent game jam yall once again cooked up some good stuff but still just curious
We're considering our options. Unreal is definitely looking very juicy right now but remaking what we have so far in unreal would be a monumental task.
That mess mostly affects bigger companies and publishers that create and release the AAA titles, not indie devs. Wish Unity explained that clearly in the first place when they outlined the new license pricing terms!
is this game on steam???
When on Steam?
how to get full game without patrion
No way currently, sorry.
Any planned schedule for the next version of the game? It's an amazing build and looks great btw excited to see more and where you take it.
If things go well a month or two. Thanks! ♥
Shows an update dropped 8 hours ago (oddly enough)
There was no Erokin update so far. We're on it.
Is there a fix for the game immediately crashing after clicking "start demo"
I wouldn't mind seeing other scene with the slaves or other bad ends with all the stuff you see at first. It would be interesting :3
You can try and reduce the resolution and other graphics settings, but I don't think that an integrated intel chip will be what our optimization target is for, sorry.
If your pc sucks to run this game then that's just it. They can't optimise it so that it can even run on a ps2.